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Ryan Dumouchel
February 27, 1993 - February 7, 2024
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From: Kettle Valley Memorial Services
The Kettle Valley Memorial staff send our condolences to family and friends.
From: Angela Millar
Relation: I've known him since he moved to Princeton BC back 6 or 7 yes ago. He was a great guy I loved him lots
Ryan was a really good friend of mine. I cared for him greatly! Rip. South I will always love u!
From: Tamara Radloff
Relation: Family friend
I have known Ryan’s family for 27 years. I haven’t seen Ryan since he was a teenager, but his older sister is my best friend and we are still close. I am deeply saddened by his passing. Ryan looks so healthy and happy in this photo, and I hope everyone remembers him this way. His family loved him very much, and he will be missed dearly.
From: monika
Ryan went too soon, and he is missed a great deal especially by his older brother.
Service Schedule
Private service arrangements have been made.
Memorial Gifts
The family has not designated a preferred charity at this time.
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Send Condolence - For Ryan Dumouchel
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